Saturday, August 17, 2013

Top Ten!

Summer is officially coming to an end and although that is sad I must admit I have had a pretty rock star summer. I am not sure I would use the word restful and relaxing...more like busy and eventful. I was recently inspired by my cousin Sarah (which happens quite often) to recap summer in a top ten countdown, view her's here! I enjoyed each day of summer...these ones were just really above average! In no particular top ten!

1. Muss-Berg Softball Game!
This was the second year of the annual games. Year one the red team won, this year the blue team came out victorious! Minus it being one of the hottest days of summer it was a really great time with family and friends! 

2. Our 2nd Moon!
For some reason having a second honeymoon sounds a lot more exciting to me than an anniversary trip. Maybe it's because I plan on never leaving the "honeymoon stage" of marriage! Matt and I went to Galena for our 2nd Moon! We stayed at a wonderful bed and breakfast! 

3. Abbey and Jake's Wedding!
What a great day! Family, Love, Food, and Dancing...what more could you ask for! 

4. Going to the Zoo! 
With that bunch of people you were bound to have a good time.
 (Poor Puddles)
Don't get too excited boys!

5. Courtney and Andrew's Wedding!
What a beautiful couple and wonderful ceremony! 
The Martin's sure know how to throw a party! :)

6. Going "Up North" for the Fourth!
As if being in Townsend isn't amazing enough in itself, being there over America's Birthday... let's just say there is literally no where else I would rather be! 
"I love that good ol' girl!"

7. Spending "Tia Time!"
I got to spend a few days with my sister, (whom I miss dearly even though we only live an hour and a half away) which also includes time with her adorably cute children. Being an aunt is one of my favorite titles! 

8. First ever Musser (kid) Vacation! (plus Bergs)
Fishing tournaments, awesome meals, boating, hot tubs and game nights...what a memorable time!

9. Quality Mother-Daughter time!
I got to spend time up at my parent's house this summer. 
My mom also spend a few days down here. We went to garage sales, sewed, crafted, baked, watched the crew and most importantly were able to be together! She is one amazing woman!

10. Girl Trip to Florida!
This trip had exactly what I needed! Warm weather, an ocean, and many of my favorite people! (Thanks mom and Auntie!) #oami13 

There is top ten!

Just in Kase - you were curious. 

1 comment:

  1. you rocked it out!! This makes me happy...and a little depressed at the same could do a top 10 Fall post...
