Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Two birds never sing the same song."

Tonight is bitter-sweet. I have not seen my classroom since June 3rd. Tomorrow that streak is broken. It is the first day we are allowed into school to start setting up our rooms for the upcoming (very quickly upcoming) school year. I know some of you might cringe at this next line...but I am excited to see my room, to decorate it (as much as possible without going too elementary) and to see colleagues I haven't in awhile. Now, let me explain myself a little. Last year at this time I didn't have a job. Matt and I were still moving everything into the place we now call home. I had applied places but hadn't heard anything. I was feeling discouraged about the lack of responses when I got the call. The first time I stepped into my school was a Monday, the students came on that same Wednesday. Needless to say I was more focused on trying to keep my head above water than putting up cute decor.

This year is different! 

I am so glad there are people in the world who desire to be doctors, dentists (Thanks Nessa), farmers, lawyers, ministers, nurses, insurance agents, zoologists, astronauts and all the other careers out there...because I couldn't do it. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a teacher and quite frankly I couldn't see myself doing anything else. I feel so blessed to not only have a job but have one that I enjoy doing! 

Stay tuned for more pictures of my classroom soon!

Just in Kase - you wondered my whereabouts tomorrow. 

1 comment:

  1. Cute Kase! The students are gonna love all your non-elementary decorations :)
