Friday, August 30, 2013

Oh Psalty!

I can not hear the word "camping" without picturing a giant blue talking songbook and his dog in my head. I always want to burst out in song singing... anyone know?

"We're going camping now we're on our way...we're going to climb up a mountain and run and jump and play!"

Give yourself a pat on the back if you can sing along to that song! You were a Psalty the Singing Songbook generation!! I looked him up the other day to bring back some memories, and boy is he kind of creepy looking!

I am not sure if good old Psalty the singing songbook still sings to kids anymore, but I know I will never forget his face or some of the songs I sang with him over and over again.

I think two things evoked this post.
1. Matt and I are going "camping" this weekend at Aunt Olga's house and we are pretty pumped about it!
2. I said, "Won't you be my neighbor?" to my classes this week and was met with blank stares. We have hit the generation that does not know our dear friend Mr. Rogers. What is this world coming to? (It made me think of my childhood shows...Puzzle Place anyone?)

Have a great labor day weekend!

just in kase- you forgot about Psalty

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Top Ten!

Summer is officially coming to an end and although that is sad I must admit I have had a pretty rock star summer. I am not sure I would use the word restful and relaxing...more like busy and eventful. I was recently inspired by my cousin Sarah (which happens quite often) to recap summer in a top ten countdown, view her's here! I enjoyed each day of summer...these ones were just really above average! In no particular top ten!

1. Muss-Berg Softball Game!
This was the second year of the annual games. Year one the red team won, this year the blue team came out victorious! Minus it being one of the hottest days of summer it was a really great time with family and friends! 

2. Our 2nd Moon!
For some reason having a second honeymoon sounds a lot more exciting to me than an anniversary trip. Maybe it's because I plan on never leaving the "honeymoon stage" of marriage! Matt and I went to Galena for our 2nd Moon! We stayed at a wonderful bed and breakfast! 

3. Abbey and Jake's Wedding!
What a great day! Family, Love, Food, and Dancing...what more could you ask for! 

4. Going to the Zoo! 
With that bunch of people you were bound to have a good time.
 (Poor Puddles)
Don't get too excited boys!

5. Courtney and Andrew's Wedding!
What a beautiful couple and wonderful ceremony! 
The Martin's sure know how to throw a party! :)

6. Going "Up North" for the Fourth!
As if being in Townsend isn't amazing enough in itself, being there over America's Birthday... let's just say there is literally no where else I would rather be! 
"I love that good ol' girl!"

7. Spending "Tia Time!"
I got to spend a few days with my sister, (whom I miss dearly even though we only live an hour and a half away) which also includes time with her adorably cute children. Being an aunt is one of my favorite titles! 

8. First ever Musser (kid) Vacation! (plus Bergs)
Fishing tournaments, awesome meals, boating, hot tubs and game nights...what a memorable time!

9. Quality Mother-Daughter time!
I got to spend time up at my parent's house this summer. 
My mom also spend a few days down here. We went to garage sales, sewed, crafted, baked, watched the crew and most importantly were able to be together! She is one amazing woman!

10. Girl Trip to Florida!
This trip had exactly what I needed! Warm weather, an ocean, and many of my favorite people! (Thanks mom and Auntie!) #oami13 

There is top ten!

Just in Kase - you were curious. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

"Two birds never sing the same song."

Tonight is bitter-sweet. I have not seen my classroom since June 3rd. Tomorrow that streak is broken. It is the first day we are allowed into school to start setting up our rooms for the upcoming (very quickly upcoming) school year. I know some of you might cringe at this next line...but I am excited to see my room, to decorate it (as much as possible without going too elementary) and to see colleagues I haven't in awhile. Now, let me explain myself a little. Last year at this time I didn't have a job. Matt and I were still moving everything into the place we now call home. I had applied places but hadn't heard anything. I was feeling discouraged about the lack of responses when I got the call. The first time I stepped into my school was a Monday, the students came on that same Wednesday. Needless to say I was more focused on trying to keep my head above water than putting up cute decor.

This year is different! 

I am so glad there are people in the world who desire to be doctors, dentists (Thanks Nessa), farmers, lawyers, ministers, nurses, insurance agents, zoologists, astronauts and all the other careers out there...because I couldn't do it. Ever since I was a little girl I have wanted to be a teacher and quite frankly I couldn't see myself doing anything else. I feel so blessed to not only have a job but have one that I enjoy doing! 

Stay tuned for more pictures of my classroom soon!

Just in Kase - you wondered my whereabouts tomorrow. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lions, Tigers and Bears...Oh My!

One of the major perks of my homecoming was the fact that I was able to go to the zoo! I think the zoo is great! You get to be outside, it involves some exercise, and it is educational. As wonderful as that all sounds it wasn't even the best part. The company I was with made the whole day a complete 10!

I should probably mention here that I am a family person. There are ten of us cousins born within ten years. So not only are we close in age, but close at heart. Our family has been expanding quite rapidly over the last couple years. Many of us tied the knot and three of those knot tiers produced offspring. My company at the zoo included all four of those offspring, along with some other fabulous people. Winning!

It took a lot of peek-a-boo and silly noises to get this picture. I don't have to be a professional photographer to tell you that the lighting in the picture is pretty bad and not all subjects are attentive and smiling, but I don't think that's what matters here. I think sometimes the beauty of pictures is simply the fact that you want to remember the moment. I will be remembering this day! 

I couldn't resist this picture of Uncle Ron and Luke! This kid sure does LOVE his Papa! I don't blame you Luke!

Just in kase - you wanted to know. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Wisconsin. Sitting alone in the only bedroom I ever knew growing up makes me feel like a kid again. Well maybe not exactly a kid because if I was seven I would be in a bunk bed chatting with my sister above me surrounded by bunny wallpaper and clinging to Tuffy, the most trusted stuffed rabbit a girl could ask for. (Thanks Aunt Barb!) Maybe it feels more like high school...however if that were the case Melissa Neal would be beside me for our weekly Tuesday night sleepover. But I will not be waking up to chocolate chip pancakes and the sweet but stern voice of her telling me if I don't get up right now we are going to be late. Sadly, those are both memories of the past.

Some things have changed.

 I don't live in the greatest state known to mankind anymore, I live one below. I don't share a room with my curly haired sister, I share it with a man who stole my heart back in 2008. Tuffy now lives in a bin with other creatures of his kind in my parent's basement, awaiting the arrival of another friend to comfort. Many Tuesdays separate my last sleepover with my partner in crime.

Some things have remained.

I still throughly enjoy time spent with my sister. There is just something about the way your sister knows you that is so comforting. Melissa Neal is still one of my dearest friends. (first grade - forever) I still strongly dislike waking up in the morning, which sometimes leads to late departures. (sorry Matthew) And...chocolate chip pancakes still and quite possibly will always be one of my favorite morning meals.

I have never been one of the people who likes change. But I have come to the realization that like it or not, change happens. I believe that how you deal with it makes all the difference.

Just in kase - you were wondering.