Sunday, September 8, 2013

"That was fast!"

Yesterday Matthew and I had the privilege of watching Kole and Sonja. I know I am biased because they are my nephew and niece, but I really think they are the cutest kids ever! 

We picked them up early and spent the whole day practicing "parenthood," if you will. We had a blast playing trucks, golf, frisbee, blocks and even painting! Oh and I almost forgot Matthew gave them rides in his wheelbarrow! That was a hit with Kole!

 We also took them to the Sandwich fair! We ran into several people we knew there who all had the same reaction..."Wow that was fast!" We then were complimented for being brave enough to bring them to the fair on our own. Matt and I talked about that after we left the smelly stalls of livestock. We both agreed that our bravery had nothing to do with it. The fact of the matter is that Sonja and Kole are really great kids, which to me is a direct representation of how they have been raised. 

We had an above average day hanging out with our nephew and niece. I have always loved kids, they are the reason I went into teaching. But before my sister had children I never realized how much time and energy goes into raising and caring for them. Being able to watch them from time to time has taught me a lot. Mostly it has taught me to appreciate my parents and all they have done for me throughout the years. So I speak for Kole and Sonja because they can't say it yet...thank you Jeana and Jason for all that you do for those kids...whether it is changing a dirty diaper, building an awesome tower just to get it knocked down, or making Mac and cheese to watch half of land on the floor! You are awesome parents and we absolutely love your kids!

Just in Kase- you needed some encouragement.

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