Saturday, September 14, 2013

I Stinking Love Fall!

The past two days have reminded me of how much I absolutely LOVE this season. I must admit my initial relationship with fall might have started out of selfish motives because of my birthday month being October, but it since then I have found many more reasons this is "the most wonderful time of the year." So here goes some of the many reasons these months make me happiest.

#1. Hot Drinks & Warm Eats
I do NOT like coffee. I know some people who don't enjoy the liquid either, but find the aroma quite pleasant. I am not one of those people. I always thought that two things would happen when I "grew up." I would start liking coffee and I would become a morning person. Maybe I am not quite grown up yet because neither of those statements are true. I do, however, very much enjoy a hot cup of tea. My sister introduced me into chai tea last year and it has quickly become a fan favorite in my book. Apple cider and hot chocolate are also friends of mine. As for the warm eats, there is nothing like a bowl of soup to warm you up on a cool crisp day. I am learning to master the art of soup, I am no Sue Smith yet but I am working on it!

#2. Fall Scented Candles
I heard once that scent is the strongest link to memory. I couldn't agree more. I love the way you can smell something and be reminded of a person or a memory. Probably the most recent examples is our hand-me-down dresser. Matt and I recently took a dresser home from our family's cabin up north and I love the way the drawers still smell like Townsend. The smell of Spiced Apple Cider, Pumpkin Pie, or Autumn Harvest candles seriously make me happy.

#3. Expanding Wardrobe 
Being able to layer clothes makes everything better! There are so many more options in the closet and it is fun to see what you can pair together. Last year I purchased colored pants and I am pretty pumped to bust those out! Also, scarves and I need to say more?

#4. Flannel Shirts
Right now some of you are thinking that flannel shirts should fall under #3. However, if you have ever seen my nephew or husband in a flannel shirt I think you would agree it deserves its own number. See examples below.

#5. Bonfires
Yes you can have bonfires in the summer, but don't kid yourself it isn't the same. I am talking about actually needing the heat to stay warm. Nothing beats cuddling next to the fire with a blanket and the one you love. And don't forget about the s'mores! Total side note... if you have never eaten a reese peanut butter cup on a s'more you are missing out! (Or for the no peanut butter people like my sister in law try a Kit-Kat bar!) You will thank me later!

#6. Thanksgiving
Now I can't sit here and tell you that it is my favorite holiday because that would be a lie. (4th of July wins that contest hands down!) But I do understand why it is Jason Marshall's favorite. Getting to spend the entire day with family, without the pressure of presents, and eating amazing food makes for a pretty awesome day! I also love the tradition of going to my aunt's house every year!

#7. Apple Picking 
The past two years we have gone apple picking with Jeana and Jason and company. Alright maybe it's more about the apple cider donuts, but still...

#8. Season of Births
So when you are younger it is only your own birthday that you care about. Because let's face it you get presents and the first piece of cake. Other birthdays make you jealous that it isn't your birthday. That changes as you get older. Birthdays usually mean we get together as a family to celebrate and that is a win for me. Most of my family has birthdays in the fall and winter. Zak used to kick us off, but last year he had to give up title to Sonja Kase. In a few short days my beautiful niece will be one! Time goes so fast!

I am sure there are many more reasons why I love fall but here are my top eight. I have heard that the weather is supposed to jump back into the 80's this week. But when the crisp air comes back I will be ready to embrace it with open arms!

Just in Kase - You needed another reason to love this season.

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