Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Day of Births!

Today is the only day of the year where I get to say happy birthday to four wonderful people in my life! I shall start with the one I've known about the longest.

My brother Zakary turns another year older today. My brother is the oldest of us siblings and I am pretty sure he absolutely loves that role. He has and I think always will be the protector type of brother. Then again I think most boys are like that. I wish I could have spent some time with him today to share his awesome train cake that my mom made him and to tell him that I think he is grand. But this and a phone call will have to do for now. I love you brother! Hope you had an awesome day!

Next in line comes my ex-roommates. I mean ex in the form that we don't live together anymore, not ex as in I never want to see them again! In fact I will see them in two days and I am fairly excited about it! I don't think there is a great way to describe Hannah and Hayley...besides the fact that being with them simply makes me happy! We roomed together for four years at the Jud and I am so blessed for their friendship. Happy birthday ladies! I'll be joining the club soon! :) 

Last, but not least is my sister-in-law Vanessa. Today is her golden birthday! She is all the way across the country tonight eating sushi! I can't say that I am jealous of her meal, but I am saddened that I can't see her often. I really enjoy the relationship we share and I am so excited for all the years of family memories we will make together! I love you girl....Happy Birthday!

Just in Kase - facebook didn't remind you it was their birthdays.

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